Thursday, July 28, 2016

Five Things About Garbage Disposals That You May Not Know About

image of garbage disposal repair Emmaus PAGarbage disposals, sometimes referred to as food waste disposers or garbage disposers, make life much easier for modern households. These machines grind up food waste quickly, so you can avoid having to put scraps of food into a rubbish bin, where they could produce unsavory aromas. The ground down food scraps are transported away by the primary drainage system. Robinson Plumbing, expert plumbers for garbage disposal repair Emmaus PA, share some little known facts about garbage disposals, which should prove enlightening. 1. Big cities benefit greatly from disposing of food waste with a machine, rather than using rubbish bins. Garbage disposals reduce the amount of food that is thrown away to rot. This, in turn, reduces the likelihood of pests, like mice and rats, and other unwelcome creatures getting into the rubbish bins. 2. When garbage disposals are used, less food is wasted. In America, up to forty percent of food is thrown away every year. In fact, food waste accounts for most of the rubbish that enters landfills. Undoubtedly, installing garbage disposals helps to lower this percentage. 3. The advantages of using garbage disposals are considerable. These machines reduce operation expenses. Garbage disposals also help reduce the amount of methane gas that is released into the atmosphere that happens when food is wasted. Better still, these machines reduce the quantity of drain blockages, and ensure that disposing of food is simple and fast. 4. Almost half of American households do not have garbage disposals. A good plumber will be able to install one in your home quickly. Get in touch with a reputable plumber to arrange an appointment, and you will have your device ready to go before you know it. 5. Be sure to exercise discretion when it comes to choosing what to put in it. Do not put any of the following things in your device:

  • oil
  • fats
  • grease
  • egg shells
  • raw eggs
  • rice
  • pasta
  • starchy foods (like potatoes)
  • fibrous/string foods
  • bones
Garbage Disposal CTA There are a few different natural methods you can use to keep your disposal fresh and free from unpleasant smells. Freeze vinegar in an ice cube tray and run the cubes through the device. This destroys the germs that produce nasty aromas. Place lemon into your disposal and let the system grind it down. This cleans the walls of the device and generates a nice, long lasting scent. Pour baking soda down your disposal, leave it to stand for a few hours, then run the device with cool water. This gets rid of unwanted smells. If you use your garbage disposal correctly, you can expect it to stay working for up to a decade. After washing your dishes your dishes, pour a small quantity of soap down the drain and run the device for several minutes. This cleans the system effectively. Garbage disposals need to be used regularly to prevent corrosion and rust. Only use cool water to grind food waste down. Cool water solidifies the oil or grease that may have entered the system, which makes it simpler for the machine to slice it up and destroy it.

Garbage Disposal Repair Emmaus PA

garbage disposalsGarbage disposals are one of the most frequently used appliances in homes. Many people do not think about the impact that this little device has on their life and the environment. Be sure to treat it well by properly maintaining it. This will ensure that it works well and it lasts a long time. Be aware that all machines, do need maintenance and repair from time to time. For any of your plumbing needs, be sure to contact Robinson Plumbing, an expert garbage disposal repair company. Our certified plumbers are extremely knowledgeable and skilled. We will thoroughly address any questions that you might have on garbage disposal or any other plumbing issues that you might be experiencing. We are a local, family owned company, known for trusted, high quality service. Call us today at (610) 351-9889 or contact us for any questions that you might have! Garbage Disposal CTA

Five Things About Garbage Disposals That You May Not Know About originated at

Monday, July 25, 2016

3 Water Heater Problems To Watch Out For

water heater repairs in emmaus paWater heaters are a major appliance in the home that people seldom think about. However, they depend water heaters daily for showering, washing dishes, doing the laundry and much more. When your water heater fails to work properly, people in your home feel inconvenienced and often become frustrated when they have to take lukewarm showers or wash their hair with cold water. Call us for water heater repair Emmaus PA to avoid these and other problems.

The following are 3 water heater problems to watch out for:

Lack Of Hot Water

If there is not any hot water coming from the faucet in the shower, kitchen or bathroom sink, it could be that the pilot light has gone out. It could also be due to a problem with the thermostat or with the gas pilot control valve. In addition, the thermocouple may need to be tightened or replaced. Newer water heaters may need to be flushed, but older units might need to be replaced. To be certain, it best to contact Robinson Plumbing to inspect the water heater.  We will find and fix the source of the trouble.

Odd Noises

If the water tank is making strange noises such as rumbling, gurgling, banging, knocking or whining or if it sounds like water is boiling, it is very likely that the water heater will need to be repaired or replaced. Typically, loud sounds mean that a large quantity of sediment has built-up over a period of years inside the water tank. In many cases, flushing the tank will fix the problem if the system is less than ten years old. If sediment is not the problem, it could be a problem with the heating element or with the valves. Odd sounds are a sure sign that there is a problem with the water heater that needs to be checked out by a qualified and trained plumber as soon as possible.

Water Leakage

Water leaking from the hot water tank also indicates that there is a problem that needs to be fixed immediately. If there is water pooling or standing near the water tank, it will need to be replaced by a professional plumber right away. In most cases, leaking water strongly indicates that the water heater is cracked. If so, it will need to be replaced in a timely manner. Not doing so could lead to flooding and cause major damage to the home. Call Robins Plumbing right away if your tank is leaking water. These are three signs of water heater problems that should never be ignored. If any of these indications of trouble are observed, it is best to have them addressed by a well qualified and reputable plumbing company right away. Robinson Plumbing can handle all of your water heater repair problems. Our plumbing technicians are well trained and have the skills and know-how to safely correct any problems. emmaus plumbing services CTA

The blog post, 3 Water Heater Problems To Watch Out For, was originally released on

Monday, July 18, 2016

How To Know That You Have A Clogged Drain On The Rise

clogged drain Alburtis PAEssentially all plumbing systems develop clogs at some point, regardless of how well a home is maintained. For this reason, it is important for homeowners to recognize the signs as early as possible so that the clogged drain Alburtis PA can be addressed and permanent damage to fixtures or pipes avoided. The constant use of liquid drain cleaners can cause some pretty major damage on your pipes. Below are some telltale signs that indicate a clog is underway:

Slow Draining Pipes

The flow through virtually any pipe can become obstructed with grease, hair, soap build up and other types of debris. As such substances coagulate in the pipes, they begin to harden and stick together. It is this accumulation that obstructs the flow of water. Pipes that drain slower than normal are usually at least partially clogged and require attention.

Unpleasant Odors

Waste items put down drains often get stuck and begin to rot. This creates a foul smell around the sink area. Any abnormal odor of an unpleasant nature is usually a sign that a clog has begun.

Odd Sounds

Gurgling or other strange sounds coming from a drain may indicate a clogged drain. This is because water that must route itself around foreign substances leads to air pockets in the pipe, which in turn creates odd noises that are usually quite audible even from a distance. drain cleaning CTA

Preventative Tips

Keeping drains and pipes open at all times is the best way to avoid lengthy DIY projects or expensive repairs to unclog the pipe. There are several ways to ensure that pipes stay free of foreign objects, such as those listed below:


Keeping hair out of drains is one of the best ways to prevent clogs in shower pipes. As hair flows downward through the pipe, it often gets caught in areas where water flows slower than others, such as through elbow joints. When the hair tangles and begins to clump, it acts as a mesh shield that collects other debris and eventually a major clog occurs.


Some people believe that any liquid can be safely poured down the drain. However, grease, fat, gravy, cooking oil or any liquid that congeals should be disposed of with regular garbage instead. This is because such items almost always solidify and cause blockages.

Tissue Products

Most homeowners know that bathroom tissue is the only item that can be safely flushed down the drain. However, if too much paper is used or allowed to build up in the commode, it will not break down easily when the toilet is flushed. Simply using one's common sense can eliminate this type of clog in most cases.


Rinsing food particles down the kitchen drain is never wise. Therefore, if the sink is not equipped with a garbage disposal, all food items, regardless of how small, should be thrown away with other household refuse. Sink strainers are also helpful, and can be found in all sizes and shapes at home improvement stores. Such strainers fit into the drain and allow only water to pass through into the pipe. A clogged drain can occur for many reasons, but identifying and preventing this problem is much easier than repairing damaged pipes. Therefore, keeping an eye out for telltale signs of a clog is the best way to ensure that one's plumbing system functions properly on a regular basis.
  plumbing services CTA

Repair Your Clogged Drain Alburtis PA

Prevention is half of the battle. When you suspect that you have the possibility of a clogged drain on the rise, be sure to address it immediately. This can save you from having to deal with a bigger plumbing problem. Clogs don't just go away on their own. You might need a drain cleaning. For any of your plumbing needs, be sure to contact Robinson Plumbing. Our certified plumbers are extremely knowledgeable, skilled, and will thoroughly address any questions that you might have. We are a local, family owned company that is known for trusted, high quality service. Call us today at (610) 351-9889 or contact us for any questions that you might have!    

The following post, How To Know That You Have A Clogged Drain On The Rise, was originally released on